in the forest, smoking that elven moongrass that my local druid sold me.
all of a sudden a wizard appears before me, they tell me they experience time backwards and thus already know that i'm gonna accept the quest they have for me and complete it, but because of causality they still must offer a reward for the quest less a paradox appears
too high to do anything but nod my head in agreement.
i grab my enchanted blade, and the spell book i stole of a necromancer and begin my quest.
after months of trials and tribulations, thousands of goblins, trolls, gnolls, mimics, orcs, bandits, and one hearty dragon slayed the wizard appears before me again
"weary traveler thank you for accepting my quest"
i realize that if he truly experiences time backwards he's saying this all in reverse and am thoroughly impressed by his abilities now
"i don theme armor of the ancients, that will protect you from all dragon's harm and fae's charms"
he gives me this sick hoodie before disappearing in a puff of lavender smoke.
i recognize the smell of the smoke immediately; elven moongrass.
my man !!
Fairy fae fairies dragons swords
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